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Provincia di Ravenna

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Regione Emilia-Romagna

Ministero della Cultura

Memoria e Ricerca

Pizza by the Rhine. Towards a history of Italian cuisine and gastronomy in Germany in the Twentieth Century

di Patrick Bernhard
in Memoria e Ricerca n.s. 23 (2006), p. 63

This paper outlines phases in the history of Italian gastronomy in Germany over the course of the twentieth century, and of the entry of Italian cuisine into the mainstream Germany diet both in and out of the home. It relates this history to a range of German encounters with Italy including the wartime alliance that saw the opening of German markets to Italian food products, the arrival of Italians in Germany as ‘guest workers’, the increase in Germany tourist visits to Italy, and, above all the various imagined ‘Italian lifestyles’ that appealed to both old and new generations of Germans.