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Memoria e Ricerca

Right and Left in Europe: crisis and redefinition of political families

di Sante Cruciani, Massimo Piermattei
in Memoria e Ricerca n.s. 41 (2012), p. 103

The aim of the paper is to retrace the evolution of “Right” and “Left”, and the political cultures linked to them within the European integration process, after the “Fall of the Wall” in Berlin. The paper started with an overview about the milestones of political struggle between Left and Right from the first Community to the direct elections of EP, showing origin and development of parties’ role within the EEC/EU, and the building – with its peculiarities – of a supranational level even in the field of political competition. The main part of the paper is focused about the impact – and the central role – of Maastricht Treaty and the developments of European integration process over Left and Right political cultures emphasizing their attempts to search new, original and modern strategies to deal with challenges such Economic and Monetary Union, Eastern and Central Europe enlargement, and the framework of international relations following the attack of 9/11. Key words: Left-Right in Europe, European parties, Political cultures, European integration, European Parliament, parties and unions in the EU