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Provincia di Ravenna

Comune di Ravenna

Fondazione del Monte

Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna

Regione Emilia-Romagna

Ministero della Cultura

Memoria e Ricerca

Changing Paradigms. Catholic Workers and Southern Immigration in Turin (1955-1969)

di Michelangela Di Giacomo
in Memoria e Ricerca n.s. 40 (2012), p. 145

This paper aims at chronicle the relations between catholic workers movement and immigration from Southern Italy. The point of view is Turin during the ‘60s. It underlines the interest showed by Cisl and Acli concerning that phenomenon. It underscore evolution in Cisl’s interpretative paradigms and Acli’s increasing criticism towards consumerism. It shows the relations between action for integration of immigrants, will of attract them and interest in studying factory and urban changes. The thesis of this essay is that different ideological traditions could come closer resting upon the approach of trade unions to inner migration and socio-urban analysis and that the job actions of the ’70s will be based on this refreshed unity. Key words: Turin, Acli, Cisl, Inner Migrations, Fiat, Urban Changes