
Soci e partner

Provincia di Ravenna

Comune di Ravenna

Fondazione del Monte

Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna

Regione Emilia-Romagna

Ministero della Cultura

Memoria e Ricerca

Hardcore history: i.e. history podcasts

di Enrica Salvatori
in Memoria e Ricerca n.s. 30 (2009), p. 171

This essay wish to analyze several podcasts of historical subject, independent and institutional ones, that have simple popular contents or educational aims or commercial purposes. The analysis is lead on podcast in Italian, English, Spanish and French language that were «on air» until December 2008. The author considers as key factors the topics, the podcaster’s professional qualification and the presence of cultural institutions. Moreover the relations between the independent podcasts and the educational one are emphasized.