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Provincia di Ravenna

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Regione Emilia-Romagna

Ministero della Cultura

Memoria e Ricerca

Symptoms of monetary Europe: from the Commmission of repairs to the Bank of international regulations (1919-1930)

di Olivier Feiertag
in Memoria e Ricerca n.s. 14 (2003), p. 35

Through the mechanism of repairs, the financial regulation in the World war one moved the political difficulties to the field of international financial regulations as far as the post war period is concerned. The essay proposes to rebuild the course of international financial regulation between 1919 and 1930, from the Commission of repairs to the establishment of the Bank of international regulations, without forgetting the experience represented by the economic and financial institutions in the League of the Nations. Above all, this essay tries to analyze one of the main news as far as international law is concerned, that is to say the establishment of original financial institutions borrowed, in hybrid way, both by public and commercial law. These institutions were, in many ways, like those which, since the last 15 years of the century until nowadays, followed the course of the european monetary consolidation.